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Teachers' Day Celebration! | Sunday, August 31, 2008

Greetings fellow Singaporean friends, anonymous friends (Yes, we have them too) and Profounders!


You have lived to see the 5th Unique Highlights! Lucky ones, it is my pleasure to announce that Class 5/2 Blog is officially 1 month old!

With an influx of 200 views, it is really quite an achievement.

Right, the Committee believes each and everyone of you is a leader in your rightful areas. We
have an encouragement for you!

"Things which matters most should never be at the mercy of things which matters least."

Alright, what an introduction! Let's move on deeper into uniqueness.

Teachers' Day Celebration!

Well, I don't know. I am laughing as I am writing (well, typing) this.

28th August 2008, Chua Chu Kang Secondary School celebrated Teachers' Day.

For Class 5/2, it was a rather exhausting day, considering we've got 2 Lit Paper with an average of 3 essays per paper, a rather draggy (correct me if I am wrong!) performance in the hall and an Video Invitation to all our Teachers in our cosy Classroom.

I am sure each individual Profounders had their share of laughters during the course of the day!

Actual Teachers' Day is 1st September so the Committee is not late in wishing all the Teachers, "Happy Teachers' Day!" Imagine it echo beautifully...

Class 5/2 have gathered people to write their own love message to every teacher.

It was then complied, printed and binded into 16 different booklets to 16 different teachers!

Credits to everyone who have literally scarificed their own time, despite the inconvience for this!

Records even shows that a full 10 hours was spent on this and the Committee Thank You on behalf of all our beloved teachers.

Teachers' Day Video is also commendable, despite having some flaws.

Lots of time and not to mention effort, is being invested into it.

Thank You Jazreel for the Video. It was a really memorable time for the teachers!

(Photos during the day itself, Please send it to Clarence_Cheang@hotmail.com)


X-country @ Japanese Garden

Yes, it is this event which huals tremendous participants into the Japanese Garden on 29th August 2008. A awe-inspiring 1.2k students turned up!

The sporting spirit burns stronger even after the Olympics! With the Girls running 3.6km and the Boys running 4.8km, it is no wonder competition seems impossible to advoid.

Sadly, Class 5/2 have had 14 missing souls...

On a happier side, we have a few Profounders who have earned their rights to a Trophy. It was only through great endurance and strenght and this celebrates Man victory in times of hardship!


They are... (not in any order)

1)Wei Xian---(38th position)

2)Jie Xiang---(39th position)

3)Ridzwan---(41st position)

and of course...
yours truely,

4)Clarence---(29th position)

Pictures are here! Tribute goes to Valarie.
Commentator 1: Wow! Look at her run! Let's see... O, she is known as Sally of class 5/2.

Commentator 2: Now, there! the fittest teacher we have ever seen here. GO Mr Leong!

Commentator 1: Hey, look at that! Gao han is trying real hard there!
Commentator 2: Hehe, I love the way he runs.

Commentator 1: Now... Julia, she seemed pretty exhausted here.
Commentator 2: Hey, at least she completed the race...
Commentator 1: Coming at 100km/hr, we got Yong Kang whom just whizzes pass us!
Commentator 2: Hmm? where is YK? I just Blinked...
Commentator 1: Another determined one! GO Jacintha!
Commentator 2: Hey, Jack! She is not determined... She is really determined.
Commentator 2: Look at that! SMILING while she Runs...
Commentator 1: That is XiangNing. She looked like some really happy person eh, John?
Commentator 1: wooo Wooo! Now that's something you don't see everyday!
Commentator 2: Closing in to Wei Xian is Jie Xiang! Both of them are having a tough
Commentator 1: Ignatious, the sole guy!
Commentator 2: Ah!!! Ignatious! (Fainted with love)
A small challenge from me,
Say the colours of these words in 5 seconds.

Yellow, Red, Purple, Orange, Black.

Did you read the words or say the colour of these words? Even so, you find it hard to say the colour right? Cheers!

Signing off, Clarence.
(The noise from my sister's guitar is affecting me!)

P.S. Detailed 'behind the scene' section will be release on a later date!


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Prelims Schedule | Monday, August 25, 2008

Dear Class 5/2,

The exams are coming up.. Tomorrow will be the first day of our Prelims..
Starting off the exams with confidence will allow us to have a better hold of the high scores we wish to achieve..
So what are you waiting for? Lets go to that battlefield and GIVE OFF OUR BEST!!

26 Aug (Tues)
- Social Studies 0915-1045
- Geog2/Hist3 1145-1315

27 Aug (Wed)
- Sci P2 (Phy/Bio) 0930-1045
- Sci P3 (Chem) 1145-1330

28 Aug (Thur)
- Lit P1 0915-1045
- Lit P2 1155-1315

08 Sep (Mon)
- E Maths P1 0845-1045
- Sci P1 1145-1245

09 Sep (Tues)
- EL P1 0900-1045
- A Maths P1 1145-1345

10 Sep (Wed)
- E Maths P2 0815-1045
- EL P2 1145-1325

11 Sep (Thur)
- A Maths P2 0815-1045
- F&N / Art P2 1145-1445

12 Sep (Fri)
- Sci P4 (Prac) Whole Day (Further Details to be updated)


Signing off, Joseph!
~If you fail to plan, you plan to fail..~


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Olympics Closure! | Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympics Closure!

Congratulations! 24th August 2008 have wrapped the Olympics to a final conclusion!

Started on 8th August 2008, it was indeed The Event of The Year!
16 days of glory, joy and tremedous excitement just ended with a BIG BANG!
Full coverage of The Closing Ceremony can be found here:


Do make sure you read the much elaborated details in there!

Anyway... here are the top 3 final overall medal standings for 2008 Olympics.

Coming in 1st... (Drum roll...) (Drum roll not effective! All knew China will get it!)

China! coming in with a total of 51 Gold, 21 Silver and 28 Bronze medals!

A stunning total number of 100 Medals!

And... trying to catch up, we have USA coming in 2nd! It was a close competition and it was only so close! With a total of 36 Gold, 38 Silver and 36 Bronze medals, the USA will be held in high esteem!

A marvellous display of 110 Medals!

Last but no least (that was really cliché), we have the Russian Federation with a total of 23 Gold, 21 Silver and 28 Bronze medals! The great empire have shown and proven their power to the world!

A dizzling array of 72 Medals!

The Olympics along with it's flame may be over but the human passion for peace burns on!

Surely, this is where legends are made and records broken.

The Closure of the Olympics is a significant event. Definately it deserve a place in this blog!

P.S. All the best to everyone taking the Oral Exams on Monday!

P.S.S. Keep the tag board alive!

Signing off, Clarence!


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Victory! | Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Are you ready for another milestone of your life?

Are you ready to impress with your speeches and confidence?

I hope and sincerely wish you are!
The 'O' levels English Oral Examinations are forthcoming! In just 2 days time, some of us will be put to The Test.

Remember what you have been taught in school! Just a quick revision...

3 Components for English Oral. 2 Examiners. 1 Goal.

Manners is important. Greet the examiners.

1. Reading Aloud.

Remember to
1) read clearly with a reasonable and comfortable (comf-terble) speed.
2) appear confident! This will create a positive impression which helps to win the mental war!
3) pasue when appropriate! As in after each paragraphs, full-stops and commas.
4) differciate the 'the' and 'an' before any consenent!

2. Picture Discussion.

Make sure you describe characters outward appearance.

Remember to
1) answer any question that was asked directly!
2) zoom in to at least 2 character in the picture!
Discuss -Actions
3) Suggest what happened before the picture is taken and what might happen after the picture is taken.
4) portray the significance of the picture!

3. Conversation.

Make frequent eye contact to show that you are connected to the examiner! Do not look so downcast! Share your vision with both of them. Eye contact suggest your confidence level!

1) Answer the question directly!
2) Quote an Ancedote! This meant bringing in your personal story.
3) Suggest the flipside of the question.
4) the significance of the question! What themes are brought out? Environmental Issues, The Arts and Sports.

I hope this will serve as a quick reference for your Oral!
Class 5/2 wishes you all the best for your English Oral Examinations!

No, no wishes of luck because I know you are well prepared for it!

Signing out, Clarence.


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Moment Of Truth! | Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Moment Of Truth

Greetings Profounders!

Welcome to another much anticipated, not to mention long-waited, Unique Highlights!

Firstly, let me announce that this Blog is 26 Days Old! With a stunningly huge number of visitors, no wonder 26 days passed by blissfully!

This time, we will focus on many events. The overview of 4th Unique Highlights Edition:

1st: National Day Parade (8th August, in school)

2nd: Release of the 'O' level results on 12th August 2008 at 11:55am

3rd: Glismpe of the future...

Hysterically, we are 10 days late for all these Delirious Events! The Committee apologizes and promise we will do better!


Now, let's begin! ( Diary Form) :)


8th August 2008, Friday

Today, I went to Chua Chu Kang Secondary School for an event. They called it National Day Celebration. I don't feel complete today. Some parts of me are not in school. I'm not sure where they went to...

The school was covered with a sea of 'red'! It was a really 'bloody'? day.

I don't know why I am writing in simple sentences still. I am learning to write better.

The Morning started off with Muster Parade. Yes, it's spelt Muster and not Master for your information. I saw Wei Xian marching in his Uniform! I got so excited by the time he marches pass me!

After which, the Muster Parade ends. Now, the School had invited some students from India to perform!

That was one dizzling performance! I had so much fun and laughter!

Then, CCKSS idol was up! I had no idea what it really was! That was really the only event I enjoyed! hehe.

The young malay boy won the contest! I feel that he is really cute. ^^

After that I went back home. Today was a really good day for me despite having rain during the last part.

Love, Class 5/2

(Photos from Syafiqah's Blog. Thank You Syafiqah!)


Release of the 'O' level mother tongue results!

Imagine this with me. You knew this is the day. You manage to survive till 11:30am, recess.

Your friends are all talking about it! You wonder what awaits you.

That is definitely not hard to imagine! I am sure you have been through this.

Photo taken before the release! All looking nervous... well a little.

Green light, people dashed (I mean Chiong!) into the hall to their class's score board. Excitement was in the air.

Then the Moment Of Truth!

Congratulations Emily and Gao Han for scoring an A1 in this prestigious exams! Of course, Anthony for an A2!

Yes! Yes! Smile, they really are delirious with joy upon knowing the news!

Well done Class 5/2! You have done the school proud!



Finally, the Glismpe of the future.

In the next Unique Highlight, we will reveal what is in store for you at the end of the year!

We will show you detailed 'Behind the Scene' post where we reveal much more!

Not forgetting the Anual Cross-Country! So seat tight, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for more actions next time on 'Unique Highlights'!

Wouldn't you wait for us for the next post?


Signing out, Clarence.


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Hero Lyrics | Friday, August 15, 2008

This is the song of our class blog. It is chosen by Clarence

Mariah Carey-Hero

There's a Hero
if you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid
Of what you are
There's an answer
If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know
Will melt away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

It's a long road
When you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand
For you to hold
You can find love
If you search within yourself
And the emptiness you felt will disappear

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you

Lord knows......
Dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone
Tear them away
Hold on
There will be tomorrow
In time you'll find the away

And then a hero comes along
With the strength to carry on
And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
That a hero lies in you...
That a hero lies in you......


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Beijing Olympics 2008 | Sunday, August 10, 2008

This is the event everyone is talking about! 8th-24th August 2008
Where legends are made and records broken.

Offical website of this year's Olympics.


4 days have passed and I am sure all participants are really feeling the heat!

Team Singapore, Class 5/2 will be rooting for you!

Here is a video to break the monotony of life!

Why I didn't make it to the Olympics.

Here are the scores and rankings of the top 5 countries.

As of 10th August 2008.

1st: China with a total of 6 gold and 2 silver medals!

2nd: Korea with a total of 3 gold and 2 silver medals!

3rd: USA with a total of 2 gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze medals!

4th: Czech Republic with a total of 2 golds medals!

5th: Italy with a total of 1 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medals!

Singapore do not give up! (Unfornately, Singapore is not in the top 23)

Also the Project "Creation" have reached its final phase. A few touch-ups and we should be doing just fine!

Updated as of 12th August 2008

1st: China with a total of 13 Golds (wow), 3 Silver and 4 Bronze medals!

2nd: USA with a total of 7 Gold, 6 Silver and 8 Bronze medals!

3rd: Korea with a total of 5 Gold, 6 Silver and 1 Bronze medals!

4th: Italy with a total of 3 Gold, 4 Silver and 2 Bronze medals!

5th: Australia with a total of 3 Gold, 1 Silver and 5 Bronze medals!

Updated as of 16 August 2008.

1st: China with a total of 26 Golds, 9 Silver and 6 Bronze Medals! 41 Medals!

2nd: USA with a total of 15 Gold, 14 Silver and 19 Bronze Medals! 48 Medals!

3rd: Germany wth a total of 8 Gold, 2 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals! 14 Medals!

4th: Korea with a total of 6 Gold, 9 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals! 19 Medals!

5th: Italy with a total of 6 Gold, 5 Silver and 4 Bronze Medals! 15 Medals!

Olympics News: American Michael Phelps huals in 7th Olympics Gold medal!

Singapore Table Tennis women team secure a place in the finals; the match for Gold.

Finals will be held on Sunday evening.
7:30 pm Channel U for Live Boardcast!

Singapore Vs Hong Kong China

Go Singapore!

Updated as of 18 August 2008.

1st: China with a total of 35 Gold, 13 Silver and 13 Bronze Medals! 61 Medals!

2nd: USA with a total of 19 Gold, 21 Silver and 25 Bronze Medals! 65 Medals!

3rd: Australia with a total of 11 Gold, 10 Silver and 12 Bronze Medals! 33 Medals!

4th: Great Britain with a total of 11 Gold, 7 Silver and 8 Bronze Medals! 26 Medals!

5th: Germany with a total of 9 Gold, 6 Silver and 7 Bronze Medals! 22 Medals!

Olympics News

American Michael Phelps swims into history with his 8th and final Gold this year.

He won't have to share the "Athlete with most gold medals in a single Olympics" title with compatriot Mark Spitz, who did this 36 years ago in the Munich Games.

United States team in the Men's 4 x 100m Medley Relay clocked 3:29.34, lowering their world record time of 3:30.68 set in Athens 2004. The US team had gone into the race as defending Olympic champions and fastest qualifiers.

Closer to home, Singapore Table Tennis Women's Team...

The *Silver medal* for Singapore which will end their 48-year-long void of Olympic medals!

Woohoo! Finally, Singapore flag! ^^

Updated as of 20th August 2008

1st: China with a total of 44 Golds, 14 Silver and 19 Bronze medals! 77 medals!

2nd: USA with a total of 26 Golds, 26 Silver and 27 Bronze medals! 79 medals!

3rd: Great Britain with a total of 16 Golds, 10 Silver and 10 Bronze medals! 36 medals!

4th: Russian Federation with a total of 13 Gold, 14 SIlver and 18 Bronze medals! 45 medals!

5th: Australia with a total of 11 Gold, 12 Silver and 12 Bronze medals! 35 medals!

Olympics Behind the Television

The managing director of Olympic Broadcasting Services, Manolo Romero is currently stationed in Beijing to cover the 2008 Summer Games.

As chief executive officer of BOB (Beijing Olympics Broadcasting), Romero took a few minutes out of his busy day to receive interviewers from the BOCOG official website to talk about his experience, now that the Beijing Olympic Games has reached its midpoint.

Romero's staff works to provide worldwide broadcasting companies with more than 5,000 hours of footage, all in high definition, a first in Olympic coverage history.

When satellites started half a century ago, he remembers, television was black and white.
For Romero, the Beijing Games is a big challenge. With cultural differences and language barriers in the way, communication can be difficult, but he thinks his crew handles every situation the best way it can.

The footage they have provided to broadcasters, including NBC, have been received quite positively.

Also, if you do are still in the dark, next Olympics will be held in London in 2012.

Updated as of 23 August 2008

1st: China with a total of 47 Gold, 17 Silver and 25 Bronze Medals! 89 Medals!

2nd: USA with a total of 31 Gold, 36 Silver and 35 Bronze Medals! 102 Medals!

3rd: Great Britain with a total of 18 Gold, 13 Silver and 13 Bronze Medals! 44 Medals!

4th: Russuan Federation with a total of 17 Gold, 18 Silver and 22 Bronze Medals! 57 Medals!

5th: Germany with a total of 14 Gold, 9 Silver and 13 Bronze Medals! 36 Medals!
Olympics News

So much to talk about from Day Fourteen of Beijing 2008 – The Unites States "Dream Team" redeeming itself by reaching the Men's Basketball final and China's triumphant trio of Women's Table Tennis medalists, is just one part.

But where else can we start than the National Stadium where the undisputed king and queen of the track have reigned supreme: middle distance runner Tirunesh Dibaba and the sprint-king man of the moment Usain Bolt, whose world record breaking, gold medal grabbing antics just keep on rolling.

Let's start with Bolt. Tonight was Jamaica's chance to seize their first 4 x 100 meters final – a relative breeze with defending champions Great Britain and traditional powerhouse, the United States, both disqualified.

So did Bolt, Asafa Powell, Nesta Carter, and Michael Frater simply stroll around the Birds Nest – not for a moment. Instead they set a new world record of 37.10. Bolt's third this week. Trinidad and Tobago captured silver, while Japan took the bronze.

However it wasn't quite the same Jamaican joy in the Women's 4 x 100m though, who joined in the baton-dropping mayhem that beset the United States Men's and Women's teams.

Guilty parties this time were 100m silver medalist Sherone Simpson and Kerron Stewart of Jamaica, who fumbled the baton, and knocked Great Britain off track with them.

The Russia quartet Evgeniya Polyakova, Aleksandra Fedoriva, Yulia Gushchina and Yuliya Chermoshanskaya seized their chance to win in a time of 42.31. The silver medal went to Belgium and bronze to Nigeria.

P.S. Thank you Admins for making this blog wonderful! Of course, to everyone who have visited this site.
Tell those who have not to take a look too! Everyone of you play an important part!

This is not an official Unique Highlights entry. You can say it's a commercial or support to Team Singapore!


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Class 5/2 blog is here right now. Speak like the wind, act like the storms.

The Admins heart-felt welcome! Do you feel the warmth?



Music Playlist at MixPod.com

* site admins *


* Profounders *

Ee Hwa
Eli Erma
Xiang Ning
Su Ping
Ting Ting

* Committee Members *

Boon Kai


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