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Hang on! | Saturday, September 27, 2008

Please hang on...

That was one phrase I hated the most. However hated it may be, I realised, not too long after, it was for the better.

Hanging on.

A battalion with 10 men marching in treacherous enemy ground. They had been on the same mission for 3 weeks and were worn out. They had lost 5 other men in action. Their mission was to get out alive.

"Hang in there brothers!" the all familiar voice of their Captain,weary but yet firm, weakly wriggled it's way through the dusty air.

All were in total submission, believed in obedience without question. The soldiers marched on, rushed into combat if they must. All but one.

They were different individual, had different dreams and jobs. Yet were united for one purpose; to get home safely. All united but one.

The one soldier decided to give up. He was not willing to fight on; an empty vessel, a foolish child.
The Captain said nothing and continued the long journey, one that promised death to the weak.

A bridge was up ahead and to survive, they must cross it. With enemy zooming right up their trail, they had little time to negotiate the tatty old wooden bridge, littered with mutilated bodies; a scary reminder of the possible consequences if they fail their misson.

Luck was not with them and the Nazi infantry and armour division caught up. Five tanks and fifty men in total. They were forced into combat once again.

With commands from the Captain, they managed to stop stall enough time to escape by blowing the bridge. However, the unwilling soldier didn't hang on and was slow. The bridge blew up before he intercepted it and was left behind to the Germans.


Hanging on requires endurance and perseverance in their highest form. This true test will determine who hangs out and who lets go. Only the strong ones will make it.

As a saying goes," Success only comes if you decide to hang on when others have let go."

I know it's tough. Battlefields are not easy but are necessary. The war will be over soon.

Hang in there. Promise me you don't let go now. The fruits of your labour will surely be pleasant!

Hang in there, my fellow comrade.

Signing off, Clarence.


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Biology: plants | Friday, September 19, 2008

Hi there! This is the post is all about plants =D for all Bio students! (the minorityof the class)
Ok... lets start with the formulaes..:

1) photosynthesis: carbon dioxide + water -> glucose + oxygen
[6CO2 + 6H2O -> C6H12O + 6O2] * [in the presence of (sun)light and chlorophyll] *
2) respiration:
Glucose + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
[C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy]

Ok the common misunderstanding: respiration occurs in plants happens when photosynthesis halts. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! respiration is always occurring, to produce energy for the plant. Photosynthesis occurs ONLY in the presence of light and chlorophyll.

Therefore: the typical question of respiration and photosynthesis... a submerged plant is placed under a bright light, after awhile, it is placed in an enclosed room without light. Describe what happens to the oxygen in the water and why.
If you were to explain it as such: photosynthesis occurs when the plant is under a bright light, thus photosynthesis occurs, the level of carbon dioxide in the water drops and the level of oxygen in the water increases. After the plant was placed in the dark room, respiration takes place and thus the level of oxygen decreases and the level of carbon dioxide increases as photosynthesis does not take place due to the absence of light.
Seems right? Actually, if this were to be a three mark question, you'd proabably only receive about 1 mark!! why?? because of the way the sentence is phrased. from this, the marker gets the impression that respiration occurs only when the plant is placed in darkness, and the photosynthesis stops.
So... the right way to phrase the answer is as such: photosynthesis occurs when the plant is under a bright light, thus photosynthesis occurs, the level of carbon dioxide in the water drops and the level of oxygen in the water increases. After the plant was placed in the dark room, respiration continues and thus, the level of oxygen decreases and the level of carbon dioxide increases as photosynthesis does not take place due to the absence of light.
funny right? with just a difference as minor as that, u lose 2 marks? well with just that change of word, the entire concept of respiration changes. So... in future... be careful of how u phrase ALL your answers, to prevent the opportunity for the marker to deduct marks from your script =)


Ok now for the transportation in plants:

Xylem vessels and pholem vessels: xylem vessels transport water throughout the plant, while the pholem vessels transport food throughout the plant.

alright, lets link to other sub-topics.

The regular modified cells:

the xylem vessel is modified in such a way to suit its function. The modifications of the xylem vessels are: a lignified cellulose cell wall(extra hard and strong to support the plant), it is hollow and has no nucleus(it is dead) to enable faster transport of water throughout the plant.

the root hair cell is modified for absorption of water, it has an extended area for larger surface area, its cell sap is so as to lower the water potential in the cell, so that osmosis might occur!

Those were the 2 questions usually asked when it comes to modified cells in plants.

As for the transport in plants, a typical question would be: how does osmosis play a part in the absorption of water in plants.

You probably think that it is active transport that takes place instead of osmosis. and you'd probably be stuck. well you require to understand.. active transport only helps in the transportation of water in plants! By evaporation by the stomata, water is *sucked* up the xylem vessel(Think of the syringe). osmosis has to occur in the absorption of water through the root hair cells. Active transportation does not play a part in it! Osmosis is required to absorp water from the surrounding soil, thus the reason of the high concentration of cell sap in the root hair cells!

This is about all i have to post.. so i hope it helps... Just remember! You shouln't memorise Biology! It just requires understanding and passion!!

Signing off~ Jershon


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Mathematics Guide | Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hope this guide will help you guys to score in mathematics. Also, please give me feedback give you guys find it uncomplete.


Volume of cylinder is HRsq (R is to the power of 2)

Volume of cone is 1/3HRsq (R is to the power of 2)

Hint to remember it easily- Cone is always 1/3 volume of cylinder, and cylinder is the circle area time its height. This might help u guys to remember.

Now we go on to the surface area of cone and cylinder

Surface area of cylinder

Step 1: We find the circumference of the cylinder D

Step 2: After that the height of the cylinder mulitple D. So it DH

Hint: This is like a rectangle, u find the circumference which is the side, and mulitple the height to find the surface area.

Surface area of a cone is RL

L is the slanted length of the cone. Sorry this you guys would have to memorise.

Whoa, this is frustrating, I would like to use (pi) to sub for this annoying symbol !!
Now for the Sphere volume
it is 4/3(pi)r.cub (r is to the power of 3)
and surface area is 4(pi)r .sq ( ris the power of 2)
That should be most of the annoying formula you guys have trouble with.
Volume of pyramid and cube you guys should have no problems with.
Now Shall we go on to kinematics? Alright lets procede.
Gradient of speed/time graph is the acceleration of the object.
Area of speed/time graph is the distance travelled by the object.
For distance/time graph, it is NOT the case!!
For distance/time graph the distance is given on the graph. since its distance time graph, u can find speed.
The gradient and the area of distance/time graph do not represent anything at all. So do not get trick.
* Also when distance/time graph have a constant gradient, it does not makes it accleration constant. Instead the acceleration is 0 cause there is NO increase in speed since the speed is constant cause distance divide by time is speed.
Also, if you have any problem in mathematics, post it on the blog, I would try to upload it onto the blog. Feedback is very welcome
Pardon me if there is alot of grammatical errors.
Signing off Jiexiang


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The Power Of Focus! | Monday, September 15, 2008

The Power Of Focus!

Even as the Prilims are over, it is not time to slack. Whatever results you may have gotten, be it good or bad, just remember one thing. Stay Focus.

Focus is really powerful and I will show you a few examples of focus in action.

Focus in action in science.

Sun rays are natural occurring light. They travel straight and do not bend. However harmless they may be, they are vital to all of our eco-system.

Plants need them.
Our solar-cells requires them.
We need them to see and navigate our way!

Already useful just like we are, adding focus to it can make it more powerful and useful!

Now, we can start a fire with light.
Focusing most light onto the focal point, immense energy will gather up and ignite!

With focused light, we have our spectacles which help us see distant image clearly.

That's just basic focused light.

Now, what happens if you intensify your focus?

From light rays to light beams.
From light beams to Laser.

Humanity found laser and used it in 1960 and have found its way into optical storages (CDs, DVDs)

Later various application includes bar code readers, laser printers and laser pointers.

By intensifying the focus, laser can cut Diamonds. It can also cut, weild and shape almost all metals.

Military uses it for range-finding, target designation and illumination.

Other uses included surgery, diagnostics and Eyecare.

All these made possible just by focusing light.

Having said so, do not gloat over your high marks (like that 71/80 boy) or get depressed over your record-breaking low marks.

It is not over yet, Stay FOCUS!

It will soon be over.

33 days left.

Signing off, Clarence!


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Wishes | Sunday, September 7, 2008


After some much needed rest, the committee wishes everyone the best for their studies!

Do Your Best and Be The Man! Or Woman...

Some dear encouragement for you...

Success don't belongs to people who quits but to those who despite failures, try again.

Think Thomas Edison...

He once said, "If we all did the things we are really capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves".

In addition, he also once proclaimed," Many of life's failures are experienced by people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

The committee believes if you put in effort as "doing the things" need effort, you would be astounded by your own results.

Now, let's think Albert Einstein...

He majored in various Sciences which revolves mainly around our modern time Physics.

I know you want an example... Eg, Special Theory of Relativity.

"The most important thing is not to stop questioning."

That was one of his many quotes he left for humanity. Now ask yourself, have you stop questioning?

You stop questioning by mainly memorising your work.

Yes, memorising is good but understanding is better.

Ask yourself why are zinc oxides and aluminum oxides amphoteric?

We must know that amphoteric oxides can be both acidic or basic according to the conditions.

Take zinc oxides for example.

Zinc oxides react with sulphuric acid to form a salt, zinc sulphate, and water.

ZnO + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2O

Zinc oxides also reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium zincate and water.

ZnO + 2NaOH → Na2 ZnO2 + H2O

Zinc oxides does react with both acid or alkalis and thus is amphoteric.

So let's recall...

Acidic oxides reacts only with alkalis to form salt and water only. (Oxides of non-metal, Carbon dioxide, CO2. Sulphure dioxide, SO2)

Basix oxides reacts only with acids to form salt and water only. (Oxides of metal or bases, sodium oxides,Na2O. Magnesium oxides, MgO)

Neutral oxides are also oxides of non-metals and they contain less oxygen than the corresponding acidic oxides. ( Carbon monoxide, CO. Nitrogen monoxide, NO)

Amphoteric oxides reacts with both acids or alkalis to form salt and water only.

Remember, understanding is better than memorising.

Why does pythagoras theorem states that ?

The Pythagorean Theorem is a statement about triangles containing a right angle.

The Pythagorean Theorem states that:

"The area of the square built upon the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares upon the remaining sides.

According to the Pythagorean Theorem, the sum of the areas of the two red squares, squares A and B, is equal to the area of the blue square, square C.

Thus, the Pythagorean Theorem stated algebraically is:

for a right triangle with sides of lengths a, b, and c, where c is the length of the hypotenuse.

Be encouraged and go! Class Committee believes you can do it!

Signing out, Clarence!


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Superman Lyrics | Thursday, September 4, 2008

Superman Lyrics

Those of you who were wondering what are the lyrics of the new song of the month...

Here it is!

I cant stand to fly
Im not that naive
Im just out to find
The better part of me

Im more than a bird...
Im more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
Its not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home Ill never see

It may sound absurd...
but dont be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...
but wont you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
Its not easy to be me

Up, up and away...
away from me
Its all right...
You can all sleep sound tonight
Im not crazy...
or anything...

I cant stand to fly
Im not that naive
Men werent meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

Im only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

Im only a man
In a funny red sheet
Im only a man
Looking for a dream

Im only a man
In a funny red sheet
And its not easy,
hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...
Its not easy to be me

Signing out, Clarence!


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