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| Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear 5/2,

The photos of the last class outing is finally out.. Let us recapture the moments of fun, laughter, peace and joy.. The class spirit and bondings are evident throughout all the photos.. According to the time schedule, the pictures posted will show us how the class outing went out.. Here we go!

Starting off from the top, we arrive at Mdm Chin's house.. The first thing that greeted us upon arrival was none other than the Christmas Tr- I meant The Door.. THEN the Christmas Tree.. To many of us, a white christmas tree was a significant sight.. Not everyone has seen it before and we captivated its beauty with a photo.. (Well, at least someone did) Before long, we settled down and began having our own conversations while Clarence started to prepare for the activities of that evening.. The second and third photos were taken when we were busy chatting amongst ourselves (Yes yes, '6-inch voice'.. You wish..).. The last photo was taken by Mdm Chin which explains why she isn't in it.. ('One Conversation' was practiced here)

The White Chirstmas Tree

The class settling down...

SIT, Jershon.. (FETCH!)

FINALLY! A Formal Photo..

After the photos, Clarence decided that it was time to begin with the activities.. We got EXCITED! Until... Until we saw 3 loaves of bread that was.. We knew immediately it was an EATING COMPETITION.. (GO BING XUE! GO JOSEPH! GO JIE XIANG!) Well, EVERYONE had to take part..

Clarence describing the activity..

Group 1 of the eating contest..

Group 2 of the eating contest..

Group 3 of the eating contest..

Look at them go!

Eventually, Group 3 got disqualified as SOME of them were cheating.. The losing team had to drink up a bottle of 1.5 Litre Coke.. To make things more interesting, two representatives had to volunteer themselves to finish it.. Ridzuan and Amin came up and bravely yet humourously completed half the bottle.. Then some games to entertain the guests.. Here are some instant replays..

Clever tactic by Amin to release the gas..

The spirit of sharing..

Look at Ridzuan go!

Kicking the air.. No no, the soccer ball..

Badminton Teacher-in-charge showing off her skills..

The White Tree has been lighted up..

Another group photo.. Not everyone in though..

Dinner came sooner then we thought.. We wasted no time and immediately breaked for dinner.. (Remember Recess) After dinner, we gathered around for Christmas Carol.. The class bonded together and sang with each other.. Mdm Chin had some friends who sang, plays guitar and even shared their moments with us.. Here are the highlights..

Look at the spread! Too bad its covered..

The class gathered together for carolling..


Look at our class choir!

Finally, the moment everyone waited for.. GIFTS EXCHANGE! Mdm Chin came up with some numbers exchange.. (Maths teachers..) It works.. Really, it did! No formula to it.. ^^

Mdm Chin preparing to give out the presents..

Clarence passing the gifts to Mdm Chin..

Thats about it people!

Signing off, Joseph..

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Class Outing | Thursday, December 4, 2008

The moment you all have been waiting for.

Since 27th November, plans were materialised.

The post you have been waiting for.

The moment is now!


Class Outing! *See latest changes.

After much anticipation, Class 5/2 proudly presents "The Greatest Gift!"

Take note of this!

1) 19th December 2008

2) 5:30pm to 9:30pm

3)Venue, Tham Soong Ave. It's just off Chun Tin Road. That's Mdm Chin's House!
(Yes Zheng Yi, I can hear you from here.)

Meet at the Macdonald in Bukit Timah, Beauty World at 5pm! Mdm Chin will personally fetch us there! Woohoo!

We have activities prepared for you! Competitions, food, laughter, exchanges and many more!

Surely, you don't wanna miss this right? Those who are working, get your leave! Those who are slacking, what are you waiting for?



Can you imagine Joseph and Bing Xue pitting against each other in an eating contest?

Can you even anticipate the thoughts of having the "Longest" competition? (You guys thinking dirty?)

*Treasure hunting will be removed sadly.

You guys want more? Dream on...

More ideas will be considered though!


"The Greatest Gift"

This section, detailed explanation will be posted here about this "Greatest Gift".

Yes, Emily, you guessed it! The Great Gift Exchange, A.K.A The Grand Exchange! (Not the Runescape one la!)

Here is where you guys come in! All of you would have to bring a Gift with a minimum cost of $10,000. (Joseph gave me a slap here) $10 I mean...

So, a $10 gift nicely wrapped for the Grand Exchange!

Go shopping away, get the presents!

We will have a number system for you to fairly get your change of present! One present per person.



We will have termites, Ants, some eyeballs and lots of insects!

Just Joking!

It will be served in buffet style. Eat all you want! So good right?

So please confirm your attendence here by tagging that you want to come! Even if you can't come, just tag saying that you can't and something like," Omg!! I wanna come!! Haiz stupid work la!"

Best of all, it is halal and it's free of charge! Mdm Chin will be ordering a catering service just for this event!



*Christmas Carolling!

Yes, we will sing some popular tunes!

There will also be a specially prepared video for all of you! It will be screened in ther comfort of Mdm Chin's house!

*Well, this video... I should call it a movie contains a touching story. It all depends if you want to watch it or not. We shall see on that day.

Come prepared! Be very prepared for an exciting event!

Also, I have recently found an impressive video. I wept listening to the trumpt player. To the more musically inclined people, this is a masterpiece. Beautiful!


Signing off, Clarence! Really Excited.


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Interesting Places to Visit | Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dear Class 5/2,

Its the holidays and many of you are complaining that its boring.. Isn't it funny since just about one month ago you were all edging and anticipating the holidays? Weird huh? Guess thats how we Singaporeans are due to all the stress and competition.. We are a small country after all.. Small as we are, there are so many places to visit and enjoy.. With so much events and exhibitions going on especially during this holiday season, we must really be grateful Singapore is that small.. (Imagine having to travel from Kuala Lumpur to Melacca or Genting just to visit exhibitions; you wouldn't even go..)

Well, since you guys are so bored, I have researched and found out several interesting events so you guys can meet up and enjoy Singapore.. Categorised according to the places, I shall list them out...


Singapore Art Museum (10am-7pm) Mondays to Sundays, Friday opens till 9pm
71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555 | Getting There: Dhoby Ghaut/City Hall MRT
Website: http://www.singart.com/
#Japan Media Art Festival 22Nov - 14Dec Free Admission
Comments: Well, if you like Japanese Media, here is something for you.. Mainly about
the Japanese Animations.. Its an exhibit for youngsters like us..

#8Q-Rate: School 16Aug - 9Jan Adults $3 / Child $1.50
Comments: Its an Art Exhibit with the theme of 'School'.. Take a look at the various artworks
by overseas and local talents.. Some are really eye-catching..

National Museum of Singapore (10am-6pm) Mondays to Sundays
93 Stamford Road, Singapore 178897 | Getting There: Dhoby Ghaut MRT
Website: http://www.nationalmuseum.sg/
Map: (Links to Singapore Art Museum Map)
#Weapon of Mass Desire 28Aug - 4Jan Free Admission
Comments: Art Exhibit about the different things invented and created during and after World
War 2.. Interesting exhibition that shows us how several things were made and
hopefully allows us teenagers to fully appreciate the things around us..

Asian Civilisations Museum (9am-7pm) Tuesdays to Sundays, Fridays open till 9pm
Empress Place | Getting There: Raffles Place MRT
Website: http://www.acm.org.sg/home/home.asp
#Red:Propaganda and Material Culture in China 7July - 17Jan Free Admission
Comments: Watch how the people in China struggle for survival as their government push them
to their limits and even stripping them off basic human rights..

Scenic Places

Orchard Road to Marina Bay 15Nov - 2Jan Free Admission
#A Sweet Christmas In Singapore 7pm - 12mn
Comments: Watch the fantastic light-up along Orchard Road all the way to Marina Bay..
Enjoy shopping with friends and family while encapsulating the spectacular view..

The Centrepoint (Shopping Centre) 2Dec - 7Dec Free Admission
#The Cacao Show 10am - 10pm
Comments: Feast your eyes on the magnificent view of chocolate on display..
This year, Singapore has decided to have a Chocolate show by allowing talented
chefs to use chocolate and form up various structure.. Don't miss this out!
Rumors spread about them giving away chocolate pieces on the last day! ;p

Orchard Road/Plaza Singapura (Shopping Centre) 19Dec - 24Dec Free Admission
'Spirit of Christmas' Float Parade and Concert
6pm - 10.30pm
Comments: Let your hair loose and enjoy yourselves at this parade and concert..
Join in the fun and spread the Christmas Spirit!


Singapore Science Centre
Getting There: Bus-66, 178, 198, 335 (335 starts at Jurong East Interchange)
Cosplay Challenge 2009 13Nov - 31Jan 9am-6pm | Adult $10, Child $6 (12 and below)
Comments: Well, another cosplay event.. Watch how people dress-up and act like someone else
from some fairytale world.. Just laugh at them will do..

#Magic: The Science of Illusion 14Nov - 28Feb 9am-6pm | Adult $8, Child $6 (12 and below)
Comments: Its MAGIC VS SCIENCE! Fantastic walk through for those who wants to understand
the truth behind Illusion Tricks.. GOODBYE COPPERFIELD!!

*There is a Special Exhibit+Science Centre Pass for $9 (Adult) and $7(Child)
**PAssion Card Members get 15% Discount when shown.. (Maximum 4 uses for each card)

Singapore Expo

John Little Mega Expo Sale
Hall 4 25Nov - 8Dec 10.30am - 10pm
Comments: Cheaper prices for clothes, shoes, accessories, snacks and toys..

Sports and Fitness Expo 2008
Hall 5 4Dec - 7Dec 12nn-8pm, 10am-6pm on 6Dec
Comments: Learn about how to get fit and in-shape during the holidays.. Perhaps even pickup a
new sport or hobby!

#Fashion Products Sale Foyer 2 Level 2 4Dec - 8Dec 10am-10pm
Comments: Find cheaper prices for those expensive brands.. Great for all especially during this
times of recession..

#BORDERS Holiday Fare Hall6B 6Dec - 8Dec 10am-9pm
Comments: Bargain Products up for sale and calendars for next year as well..

#Asia Food & Consumers Fair 2008 Hall 4A 25Dec - 28Dec 11am-10pm
Comments: Fantastic fair for those food enthusiast! Try out different flavors of Asia and even
purchase some for lunch or dinner.. Guaranteed to be an experience of a lifetime!

# POPULAR Fair Hall 6B 27Dec - 1Jan 10am-3pm (27Dec) Popular Members Only
3pm-10pm (27Dec) Open to Public
10am-10pm (28Dec-1Jan)
Comments: Its a 'Back-2-School' Fair for those having school next year.. Bring your little brother
or sister over to get up to 80% discounts.. Yes, 80% discount! You guys might want
to purchase a little something for yourself to prepare for next year as well!

Getting There: Bus- 36, 56, 70M, 97, 133, 162M, 195, 502, 531, 1N, 2N, 3N, 4N, 5N, 6N
75, 77, 106, 700A, 857, 960, 961, NR1, NR2, NR5, NR6, NR7, NR8
Bus 97 From Jurong East Interchange, Bus 75 and 700A from Bukit Panjang Interchange
#2008 National Chinese Music Competition 3Dec - 12Dec 9am-6pm
Comments: Its Singapore's Chinese Music Competition(I'm repeating myself..)! Come see the
National Chinese Music Competition(Here we go again) Live at Esplanade! Now you
guys have a reason to go to Esplanade.. It is a First-come-first-served basis.

#Huayi: Chinese Festival of Arts 2009 30Dec - 9Feb
Comments: Its Chinese! I really wonder who would go ALL THE WAY TO ESPLANADE JUST
TO SEE CHINESE! Well, maybe some of you would.. Lots of activities and programs
to interact and see.. Might even see Mr Loi there.. ;p

Alright people, thats about it! I have done my duty to give you guys some suggestions on where to meet up and explore! The rest is up to you! All the best people! Enjoy..

Signing off, Joseph!
~If you fail to plan, you plan to fail..~

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Wonder of Randomness! | Monday, December 1, 2008

Wonder of Randomness!


Sorry la, I lazy to load. (Actually I think I forget how to... Shh!)

After watching this Video, I wept.

Really touching.

It's time for another unique highlights! One... tw...ooo... I don't know... I think it is 5th Highlights!

Many of you expect things to die off after the 'O' Levels. Let me say WRONG!

HAHA You guys guessed it wrongly! So sorry to disappoint you!

Now you ask me, what is so wonderful about randomness?

Cow: So many people are drinking my milk and no one calls me Mom.

Now Bow WOW Wow! That's Random! After reading this post, you will be convinced that Randomness is Wonderful!

Dinosaur: Hmm, so sorry we can't join the party. We all died too early.

Now I will appriciate it if you animals will stop interupting my post!

Mosquito: To have a human slaping his own face is worth dieing for!

O Darn! BRB while I deal with some pest!

(After 3 seconds) [Must I really write that?]

This year-end holiday, we have a stuff for you guys!
1. Competition

Oi! No one have sent me their entries yet! Nevermind, cause holiday le ma, who cares bout engalish olady!

2.Blog tagging choingster!

Bleh bleh bleh! Just tag something encouraging to someone else!

3. Hmm anything else?

4. Hmm let me thing.

5. Ok la!

6. I will not hold back anymore!

7. Really will not hold back!


Yes, there will be one! I just can't release the details yet! MWUHAHHA!

Enjoy the randomness this holidays! Thanks giving, chirstmas and a new year!

Mantis: Why isn't there anyone who hires us as vegatables chopper?

ARGH That does it pest! That includes you Jerky!

Chasing away, Clarence!


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{5/2 signing off!} Created at 12:09:00 AM
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Class 5/2 blog is here right now. Speak like the wind, act like the storms.

The Admins heart-felt welcome! Do you feel the warmth?



Music Playlist at MixPod.com

* site admins *


* Profounders *

Ee Hwa
Eli Erma
Xiang Ning
Su Ping
Ting Ting

* Committee Members *

Boon Kai


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