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Journal | Thursday, April 23, 2009

Here's a short journal on the happenings during the crisis.

Short of a miracle

Valarie ‘s crisis in March
Day 1 ---- 26.3.09 ( Thursday)

At about 6.30 in the evening, I received a call from Alvin. He broke the news that Valarie might not be able to pull through the night. Doctors had informed the parents to gather relatives and friends to the hospital to prepare for the worst.
I was overwhelmed. It was too sudden as I had just spoken to the father on 13.2.09 and he mentioned that the doctor had commented that she had an 80% chance of recovery . Everyone had been upbeat about it.

After the call, my immediate response was; I needed to bring the anointing oil and rush down to SGH to pray for her before it was too late. I quickly called my husband (JC) to send me to the hospital. Subsequently, I received more phone calls, from Qiu Jin and Syafiqah informing me about Valarie. They were all on their way to SGH.

At ward 45, three quarters of the pupils from 2008 5/2 class were there. There was also a big group from 2008 5/1 class. The waiting area and the corridor just outside the ward leading to the ICU were milling with anxious faces. Later in the night, more turned up.

Ee Hwa, Emily, Qui Jin,Xiang Ning, Harveen, Jacintha, Jazreel, Sally, Wendy, Julia , Fadzilla, Amalina, Sakinah, Syafiqah, Amy, Ting Ting, Alvin, Zheng Yi, Ignatious, Clarence, Joseph, Peng Hong, Yong Kang, Jie Xiang, Khairul, Wei Xian, Shawn, Boon Kai, Jershon …. Those from 5/1 were Felicia, Amelia, Dennis, Jolene… Many more were present.

The relatives were allowed to go in 2 at a time. Valarie‘s mother told us that the ICU doctor was not hopeful about Valarie but the oncologist was still trying ... She was given a very high dosage of antibiotics to fight the extremely strong viral attack.

Standing outside the glass screen door of the ICU , I could see Valarie lying very still with tubes from the arms, the mouth, the nose all hooked up to the support system. I told the mother that JC and I were Christians and asked her for permission to pray for Valarie. She replied that it was ok as Valarie had been prayed for in the ward before. She stood outside the glass door as JC and I stepped into ICU donning gloves, overalls, and face masks.

Valarie was bloated. She needed nothing short of a miracle and the healing power of God. When I spoke to her, she tried to communicate by scribbling on the clip board, but her hands were so weak that twice, what appeared were just scrawny lines, something like SK…. (When she is well, I would like to find out what she wanted to say at that moment). I told her, Jesus loves her and the resurrection power of Jesus shall flow through her and she shall live to testify the goodness of God. I rubbed the anointing oil on her left palm. After praying and commanding the angel of death to leave her, we left the room.

Just outside the ICU, the boys and girls immediately gathered around to find out more about the situation. I repeated what the mother told me about her condition and I told them that Valarie needed a miracle. As there was nothing much that we could do, Emily, Jershon, Jie Xiang, Clarence, Qiu Jin, Alvin and the others , together we all adjourned to the canteen to have dinner.

Day 2 -- 27.3.09 ( Friday)
In school, I informed the principal about Valarie‘s condition. She made an announcement during staff contact time about Valarie and she said she would probably visit her .
In the night at about 8.30, at ward 45, Mr. Lau, Mr. Leong and Mr .Loy came and we could only watch her behind the glass screen door at the ICU. She was hooked onto a dialysis machine. No one was allowed to go into the ICU. A big group of students turned up too. Dhanaram, Mei Yan,…..
Outside the glass door, JC and I prayed. Valarie‘s mother, holding the Buddhist praying beads was also praying.
On the way out of the ward, Valarie ‘s mother told us the father would want to sustain her life at any cost as the doctor hinted that she might not last through the night. I held her hands and replied that we should continue to pray.

Day 3----28.3.09 ( Saturday)
At about 10 plus in the morning, received sms from Alvin and Syafiqah about Valarie‘s condition. Spoke to the father and was confirmed that Valarie’s situation had improved. The white blood count was normal.
9 pm--- It was very quiet at ward 45 compared to the previous 2 nights as most visitors including students had come either in the morning or the afternoon. The mother was seen sleeping on the sofa at the waiting area, overcame with fatigue. We spoke to the father. He was visibly relieved and smiled as he explained how the white blood count has hit 1000 and Valarie would now need to fight on using her own immune system. Valarie‘s swelling on both hands had subsided. She was also given a blood transfusion by the aunty in the morning. The effects would be known in one or two day’s time.
Standing outside the glass screen door, the father was cautious in letting us into the ICU as he was concerned about Valarie ‘s low immune system. Anyway, I went into the ICU and prayed for healing.
Doctors, the human spirit, will and youth can only do so much, we need miracles.

Day 4 --- 29.3.09 ( Sunday)
Spoke the father on the phone. According to him, the swelling had come down and Valarie was able to pass a little urine. However, she was running a temperature of 39⁰ C. But the doctor said her condition was stable.

Day 7 --- 2.4.09 (Thursday )
Spoke to the father on the phone at around 3.00 pm. He said that Valarie had just been transferred from ICU to a single normal ward in the afternoon. However, he preferred not to have any visitors as Valarie needed to rest and cannot risk catching an infection. I told him to tell Valarie: “Jesus loves you.” The father responded with a laugh. I hope the message got through to her. J
I believe Valarie’s recovery is nothing short of a miracle.

From Mdm Chin.


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Here's some of the photos taken on the outing. | Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well, that's all. xD

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| Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hi all.
Here's more of the details of the class outing !

Destination: East Coast park
Timing: 9.30am
Meeting place: Choa Chu kang Mrt Control Station

Purpose Of Event xD : A mini gathering for the class before our next stage of life

Dry Activity: 1) Of course will be cycling with some budget bikes. x.x
2) Sand Building ? o.o
3) Groups Activity ! >< (Can't let out anything infomation about it)

WET Activity( Only to those who wishes to get wet !) : I will elaborate more that day if
there are ppl going into the sea. ><

Things to bring: 1] $$Money$$
2] Extra clothes (least you get wet without knowing x.x)
3] Tools you can build with sand ? x.x
4] Footballs for the malay guys =P
5] Anything ~ lols dunno what to include

Things NOT to bring: Jewellery, blah blah blah....

Anything you wishes to voice out or anything can sms or call Alvin. AND, MUST INFORM ME

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